In the case of a hard disk, this first sector is also known as the master boot record ( MBR), and it contains both the first stage of the boot loader and the MBR partition table. 对于硬盘,第一扇区就是主引导记录(MBR),它包含引导加载程序的第一步和MBR分区表。
If a Linux kernel has been raw copied to a diskette, a hard drive, or another media, the first sector of the disk will be the first sector of the Linux kernel itself. 如果Linux内核直接裸拷贝到磁盘、硬盘驱动器或者其它介质上,那么磁盘的第一个扇区将是Linux内核本身的第一个扇区。
As noted earlier, software from the BIOS up may contain assumptions about a hard disk's sector size. 正如之前所述,来自BIOS的软件可能包括关于硬盘扇区大小的假设。
Then, the server's disk head had to move randomly over all areas of the disk to get to the proper track and sector for the data that was changed or updated. 然后,服务器的磁盘头随机移动到磁盘的各个区域查找更改或更新过数据的磁道或扇区。
Hard Disk Partition Table-Error!!! Fix Hard Disk Partition Table or Sector ( Y/ N)? 意为:硬盘分区表错误,是否修复硬盘分区表或引导区?
Application and Research of Interference SAR on Terrain Contour Matching Guidance Mismatch between the floppy disk sector ID field and the floppy disk controller track address. 干涉测高技术在地形匹配制导中的应用研究软盘扇区id字符域与软盘控制器磁道地址不匹配。
As a result, this causes a delay when your disk contains bad sector. 其结果是,这会导致延迟当您的磁盘包含坏扇区。
Some key techniques, such as video sampling, hard disk physical sector reading or writing, video compression and decompression, are discussed in detail. 讨论了视频采样、硬盘物理扇区读写、频数据压缩与解压缩等关键技术。
When the page is read from disk, the torn bits stored in the page header are compared to the actual page sector information. 从磁盘中读取页时,页头中存储的残缺位将与实际的页扇区信息进行比较。
Mismatch between the floppy disk sector ID field and the floppy disk controller track address. 软盘扇区id字符域与软盘控制器磁道地址不匹配。
Manufacturing of Plastic Raised Disk Using Sector Jacket Soft Claw 利用扇形护套软爪加工塑料零件凸盘
In a hard-format, actual holes are punched on the disk, to mark the beginning of the new sector. 硬格式是在软盘上冲出若干个孔,作为新段的起始标志。
There are six methods to create a boot up disk, the principle of those is to copy the system files of windows to the 0 track 0 sector of the disk. 创建一般启动盘的方法有6种,其原理都是把用于引导Windows的系统文件拷贝到软盘的0磁道0扇区上。
The technology principle, the check of USB disk, the modification of the boot sector of the USB disk and the file format modification are described. 从技术原理、USB设备的检测、对USB盘引导扇区部分的访问和修改以及对文件的格式修改等几个方面进行了阐述。
The paper explains the possibility, theorem and method of setting NO DOS sector in hard disk and the specific method of setting NO DOS sector in hard disk termination. Jt is only the reference. 本文分析了在硬盘上设置非DOS扇区的可能性、原理和方法,并提供了在硬盒末端设置非DOS扇区的具体步骤。
The paper discusses the structure of hard disk master boot sector and the operation principle of bootable viruses, elaborates the importance of protecting the boot sector and gives two specific methods to backup and restore the hard disk master boot sector by assembly and C language. 本文论述了主引导扇区的结构及引导型病毒的工作原理,阐述了保护主引导扇区的重要性,并给出了用汇编语言和C语言实现主引导扇区备份与恢复的具体方法。
Discussion of The Software Faults 'Correction of High Disk's Major Boot Sector 浅谈硬盘主引导扇区软故障的修复
The dynamic characteristics of a bladed disk assembly are calculated by means of sector elements of thick plates and wave propagation technique of periodical structure. 本文采用扇形厚板元和波传动法,计算了叶盘组合模型件的振动特性,讨论了组合体与单独叶片及轮盘振动特性的差异,分析了叶盘几何参数变化所产生的影响。
Back up and restoration of hard disk master boot sector 硬盘主引导扇区的备份与恢复
A new technique to read and write high-capacity hard disk sector with TC 2.0 TC2.0读写大容量硬盘扇区的新技术
Structure, Fault and Maintenance of Hard Disk Master Boot Sector 硬盘主引导扇区结构、故障与维护
Key Technique of the Soft fault Handling in Hard Disk The Recovery of the Master Boot Sector and Boot Sector 硬盘软故障处理的关键技术&主引导区和引导区内容的恢复
Fifth, the technology of disk sector of reading and writing on windows are researched, and to make use of its principles, the achievement of reading and writing hard disk sectors. 第五,研究了Windows下的磁盘扇区读写技术,并利用其原理,编码实现了对硬盘扇区的读写。
Using WDM ( Windows Driver Model) to design the traps, the filtration drive intercept the operation done to the disk, then, get the original sector entries and its number of read-write disk and save this information in the linked list. 使用WDM(Windows驱动程序模型)设计该收集器,过滤驱动截获对磁盘的操作,得到读写磁盘的起始扇区以及扇区数并将这些信息保存到链表中。